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MONTE SMITH posted a message.
Jul 28, 2024 at 3:25 PM

Hello My Friends, Family and Prayer groups
I can't express in words how grateful I am for those Healing Prayers and positive attitude, best of all was getting to tell All of You who cared enough to Pray or Wish me well, That I had Surgery and was Home Cancer free. Whipple surgery has its own set of challenges which are at times difficult, so please keep that Prayer coming. Share with everyone, that Your Prayers were Answered, just like Mine & Lisa's. God Never left my side through his Mercy I was spared most of the Pain others faced, at least until now, I hardly take pain pills because don't want a dependency on anything but the Lord, and Lisa. That is probably why I am feeling more pain, plus I still have 44 Staples where they opened me up. So perhaps Prayers for Faster Pain Free Healing and give Me strength to make Rounds of Churches that have also added me to their Prayer Groups, so we can Praise Gods Mercy and Grace, Rejoicing that He Kept EVERY Promise the Bible Assures Us of.
Hopefully, We can Encourage Others that the Lord & Prayer are Far More Powerful than anyone could Imagine.
If they Doubt Gods Work was part of this, then ask them to Explain How I can produce any insulin at All, since Surgeon removed the Cancer and Head of Pancreas, which Produces Insulin, So if Doctors Removed my Insulin producing head of Pancreas, How is it I am producing Insulin? and at a rate I have required ZERO Insulin, if not by an Act of God, How did this Miracle occur?
I am simply a vehicle the Lord is Using to Prove his Compassion, Love and Mercy for those who Seek him and Accept him as their Savior. I am but a common man, but a Man of Faith, and we are to Share how Amazing Faith can be.
Faith is not Belief without Proof,
It is but Trust without Reservation.
This is a Message the Lord wants me to Share ,and for you to Share as All of us Rejoice Together, what that Belief and Trust can accomplish. Remain steadfast in your Faith, talk to the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as often as you can, From Experience he never left my side.
I NEVER felt any Fear of what would happen, I Trusted His Plan, I Believed in his Promises of Salvation .We are to except his Resurrection and Ascension Proves He is the Only Path to Eternal Life, as long we are Repentant and Faithful to his Word and Commandments.
My Sole desire is not to praise anyone, but the Lord, I deserve no credit except for Submitting totally in faith to his will. God is Great, and I can only hope we all meet to Rejoice a Day of Redemption once our years on Earth are complete.
Please Stress Forgiveness is The Narrow Path. Without forgiveness, we are condemned to a Day Of Judgement and Justice. Leave behind all anger, bitterness and grudges, Mend Friendships and Renew family ties if broken, and Reflect His Glory & Mercy in All you do, So when we approach the Lord asking for Forgiveness of our Sins, so that We might enter Life through Salvation, Through the Lords Sacrifice. and not by acts or deeds.
Tary not, for No One is guaranteed another day, Not Even Me. Shed all Political Bias and Partisanship, remove even the Words that Offend the Lord from your lips and Love thy Neighbor as if your life depends on it, it does. Worship knowing Your Prayers are Heard, and Answered, BUT in his Time, Rejoice that the Lord Jesus Christ Honors his Promises, Each and Every One to his Faithful. Know there is nothing more that would Please the Lord then if we left No One Behind.
I Am Blessed to be surrounded by so many Generous Compassionate and Loving people that Reflected the Lord in All they Said or Did to help me Overcome a Challenge to my Health and Faith, I believe I have passed his Test and Now Cancer Free, I am ready as I heal and recover in the coming 6 Months, to continue my Volunteer work I devoted most of my life to, Now I Build and Donate Guitars to Charities serving Kids, Seniors & Veterans at no cost for fundraising.
Cherish each day, for The Lords Promise of a Better Life and Salvation will be Honored for the Faithful Repentant flock his watches over.
Have the Amazing Day You deserve, and Thanks for listening to an Old Man Ramble on, You are special and Appreciated
I am honored you call me Friend I was able to Beat Pancreatic Cancer though his Mercy and Your Prayers
God Bless you One & All
Feel Free to Copy and Share at Will and Be the Warrior of Gods Word He wants us to be

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Tim HOWELLS Howells has left an In Memory comment for MIKE FRITZ.
Apr 25, 2024 at 3:51 PM

Mike drove me(Tim howells) , bishop,and I think Charlie bell to my first Daytona 500. What a day. Miss you guys! RIP

MONTE SMITH added a photo to his profile gallery.
Apr 12, 2024 at 6:49 PM
PAM ERLENBUSCH COOPER changed her profile picture.
Jul 20, 2023 at 2:07 PM
PAM ERLENBUSCH COOPER changed her profile picture.
Jan 20, 2023 at 7:02 PM